Equipping the saints

We have desire to equip, empower, and release others to do the work of ministry.  We strongly believe, based on scripture, that every believer has gifts to be used for the expansion of His kingdom.  The apostle Paul described certain equipping gifts in the church, to equip the believers so that they can do the work of ministry.  We believe this has much to do with individual ministry outside the church, and in no way limited to ministry in a church gathering.  
[Ephesians 4:11-12.   1 Corinthians 12]

Bi-vocational ministry

We do not have any full time staff.  Although we don’t think it’s wrong to receive financial support for ministry, we have chosen to be bi-vocational because we see several advantages.  We believe that our jobs are part of our God given spheres of influence, and we are to live essentially as missionaries among those who need Christ.  Being Bivo keeps us connected to a culture we are to influence, and keeps our mission from becoming a job.  We understand the demands and sacrifice that volunteers in a typical church structure feel.  We can lead and disciple as partners in ministry and avoid the expectations for the “paid minister” to do the work of ministering.  We also don’t feel the financial pressure to support any one pastor, and will have the financial freedom to generously invest in people.   We find that we are in good company as the apostle Paul’s tent making career played an important role in his particular ministry.   
[Acts 18:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9]



The third person of the trinity, the Holy Spirit, empowers our daily walk.  We believe to be filled with the Spirit produces the fruits of the spirit, exemplifying Christlikeness in character and conduct.  We also believe that the gifts of the Spirit are “apportioned to each one individually as He wills.” [1 Corinthians 12:11 Galatians 5:16-26  1 Corinthians 12]


Everyone has a story, and every person has value.  We believe that Jesus’ parable about leaving the 99 to find the “one” lost sheep has application to our lives today.  Our goal is not to build a crowd, but to faithfully reach out to individuals.


Jesus mandate in Matthew 28:19-20 to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” speaks for itself.  We look for opportunities to mentor and disciple those who desire to follow Christ and grow in their faith.


God’s Word

We believe that it’s through Gods word one is made “wise to salvation”.  The pages of scripture are inspired By God, and teaches objective truth for believers to live by, and is as relevant today as when it was written.  It corrects, rebukes, convicts, and teaches us how to live right.  It is our primary source of equipping every believer for the work of ministry.   God speaks to us primarily through His word, and is meant to not only be studied, but put into practice in our everyday lives.  We believe that God wants every follower to know His word, and to live it out in every aspect of life.
[2 Timothy 3:15-17]


Youth are a regular part of our gatherings.  We have a passion to connect with and reach the next generation.  There are many, especially teens, looking for answers to life’s tough questions in our rapidly changing culture.  We have the heart and burden to reach and disciple a generation of young people who are looking for authenticity, and introducing them to true authenticity, THE GOD of scripture.  We believe that young people want to be valued and equipped to walk in the power of the spirit in their lives, and impact the world around them. We are a church gathering that seeks to equip, empower and release young people to do what God has created them to do.



Scripture teaches that the gathering of believers is essential and not to be neglected.  We gather to worship and exalt Christ, hear the teaching of Gods word, and to break bread together.  We have meals after every gathering, giving opportunity for people to connect and encourage one another.  We also believe the gathering is for the purposes of equipping and encouraging fellow believers, intentionally considering one another in order to stir up love and good works. [Hebrews 10:24-25 Acts 3:42-47]


We desire to be a sending church.  Rather than trying to attract crowds and to retain members, 412CHURCHscv is a place to come to worship, be discipled, and sent out to disciple others.  We believe the global church, the body of Christ, grows exponentially this way. We commission and send for the short term, and the long term. [Matthew 28:19  2 Corinthians 5:20 John 17:18]
